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All CollectionsCourse QuestionsDoes the canary token have a backdoor?

It's a good question to ask.

The bugs are not executable. You can put them in a sandbox and examine what they do. They will show you. You need to have the skills to do this.

Take, for example, the most benign token - The webug. This is a URL. A URL can't be a backdoor; it's just a link.
Take, for example, the word token, This can be a transport for Macro malware. It isn't but you can check using a sandbox. Also If you are concerned about this then place the token in a sandbox to investigate. Also, use on the URL and file to find any known malware. You wont find any.

Another thing to consider. Our canary servers have 1/2 million users. If there was a backdoor, I think someone would have reported it online.

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